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Git Up and Running
Organized by HackerSpace Club
May 23, 2021
- May 23, 2021
05:00 AM
About This Event
Git is an industry-standard distributed version control system that is used by both small and large teams of developers but is universally useful to anyone working on files that change often. In the present scenario, knowledge of Git is a must-have for any programmer. Github is affectionately referred to as the social network of Git Repositories, where you can showcase your projects and collaborate on software with other developers.
After attending this workshop, students will be able to use both Git and Github to create, collaborate on and exhibit their software projects to the whole world. Over the course of the workshop, students will get a surface-level overview of how Git works, and will learn how to create, commit to, branch and merge their Git Repositories, before finally pushing their Git repositories to Github. Lastly, the students will be invited to make their first pull request on Github with a small project that they can contribute to.
Platform: Google Meet