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Egnatius 2019
About This Event
We are organising “Egnatius-2019” for III Sem BBA students which is a Student Presentation event on Entrepreneurship on 25 th October 2019, Friday from 10:30am onwards at Prof. MRD Auditorium, PES University, Bangalore.
From among the 3 rd Sem BBA students, 20 Teams have been identified for the event, where each team has identified an entrepreneur of their choice and collected information about that entrepreneur, the business he is into, the revenue model for the same and the business impact it is creating.
The student teams have prepared the PPT presentation and will present the same. The team presentation may include PPT slides, Video, Interview excerpt, News excerpt, Expert opinion and also the students’ own view on how it could have been further improved, etc...,
This event is a value addition in reality for any student to know about the successful businesses, their revenue model and promotes a sense of entrepreneurship in them to dream their way.
The audience being all III Sem BBA students who have a course in Entrepreneurship and Judges form MBA and Engineering departments are being invited.
Time available for each team presentation is 15 Mins.
It is our invitation to you to grace the event.
Thanks and Regards