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Organized by Vadavivada Club
September 22, 2021
- September 22, 2021
02:00 AM
About This Event
Every Coin has two sides to it, the heads and the tails. The same way every question, Scenario and situation have Right and Wrong. How would you know what is right and what is wrong?? We and our events are the answer. There must be an argument of facts to decide whether going for it is right, or going against it is.
BEHOLD!! The event hosted by the Debate Club "Vadavivada" shall Emphasize on the topic whether it is really necessary for prisoners in India to be allowed to vote in any elections.
We all have a best friend in common who can help us in communicating and knowing more about the things happening in and around us, So please use this friend Called Instagram where you find our page @vadavivada.pesu to know more details such as the timings, barriers and other queries. Since it's our friend please don’t hesitate to DM us to clarify your queries regarding the same event .